How to Prepare Your Cloud for NIS2 Directive with Mitigant
How to Prepare Your Cloud for NIS2 Directive with MitigantHow to Prepare Your Cloud for NIS2 Directive with Mitigant

How to Prepare Your Cloud for NIS2 Directive with Mitigant


About The Webinar

The  Network and Information Systems (NIS2) Directive is an essential regulatory framework launched by the European Union (EU) to ensure the security and continuity of essential services in the digital age. With 17 essential and important sectors, many companies affected by the NIS2 Directive have to prove that a cybersecurity strategy is in place to ensure they are secure and ready for possible cyberattacks. 

As more and more organizations move their services and data to the cloud, the need for effective security measures has become increasingly important. The cloud infrastructure becomes one of the aspects that companies must ensure is correctly and securely configured while compliant with the NIS2 Directive. Compliance with the NIS2 directive helps organizations protect their data and services from cyber threats but also helps build trust with customers by demonstrating a commitment to security and compliance. 

In this webinar by Dr Muhammad Sukmana, Mitigant’s Chief Product Officer, you will gain insights into preparing your cloud infrastructure for the NIS2 directive and how Mitigant can seamlessly guide you to achieve compliance for your clouds efficiently.

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