Chaos Engineering for Cloud Native Security - Kennedy Torkura

Chaos Engineering for Cloud Native Security - Kennedy Torkura

About the video

Human errors and misconfiguration-based vulnerabilities have become a major cause of data breaches and other forms of security attacks in cloud-native infrastructure (CNI). The dynamic and complex nature of CNI and the underlying distributed systems further complicate these challenges. Hence, novel security mechanisms are imperative to overcome these challenges. Such mechanisms must be customer-centric, continuous, not focused on traditional security paradigms like intrusion detection. We tackle these security challenges via Risk-driven Fault Injection (RDFI), a novel application of cyber security to chaos engineering. Chaos engineering concepts (e.g. Netflix's Chaos Monkey) have become popular since they increase confidence in distributed systems by injecting non-malicious faults (essentially addressing availability concerns) via experimentation techniques. RDFI goes further by adopting security-focused approaches by injecting security faults that trigger security failures that impact integrity, confidentiality, and availability. Safety measures are also employed such that impacted environments can be reversed to secure states. Therefore, RDFI improves security and resilience drastically, in a continuous and efficient manner and extends the benefits of chaos engineering to cyber security. We have researched and implemented a proof-of-concept for RDFI that targets multi-cloud enterprise environments deployed on AWS and Google Cloud platform.

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